j u l y f a v o r i t e s
thought i’d try something different and share my favorites for the month! i love seeing monthly faves on youtube and other pages, so was inspired to share my own.
- 01. this cutie terracotta stone vitruvi diffuser – i’ve had my eye on this one for awhile, as a lover of diffusing oils. was so grateful that vitruvi gifted this to us, but couldn’t recommend it enough. i had no idea it was actually stone/ceramic material – so the weight of it feels so luxurious compared to plastic diffusers, i know this will be timeless!
- 02. our new bamboozle compost bin has been a lifesaver since we started composting! it’s nice a small to fit on the countertop, but fits quite a bit of compost in it.
- 03. been on a ceramic vase buying and diy’ing frenzy lately. this small vase is perfect for vignettes or small counter areas. and only $13 from h&m!
- 04. ahh who would have thought baking powder would make a monthly favorite – but our last diy terracotta vases were one of my favorite projects this month, so i had to put this on there!
- 05. air fryer fanatic meets neutral color lover – this refillable oil spray bottle is perfect! i was buying avo spray like once a month with our new air fryer. so i found this refillable one that is perfect and is white to match the kitchen, of course.
- 06. dried palm leaves, of course! i’ll just that there. 🙂
let me know what you think of this monthly faves post and what you’d like to see!
the orange home sometimes contains affiliate links. i only share products that i truly like and all opinions are and will always be my own. any sponsored post will be noted as such.